Friday, 11 October 2013

Week 2 - 7th October to 13th October 2013

Trying to catch up. So we've got to produce a table with some props on...

Two possible images that I thought were striking:


Visiting the blog of the designer, Robert van Embricqs of this second table revealed the not-so-obvious flat-pack construction:

I love this elegant and surprising solution to space-saving furniture, so I started to model it:

I started out by creating a simple cube and resizing in the x direction, duplicating so I had 3 of similar proportions and then duplicating them in the z direction before resizing again to map around a circle curve I had added to the scene.

About halfway round the curving process I realised that although the final table is a beautiful and interesting product, the modelling of it was not going to be sufficiently challenging to stretch my learning or show my current capability. So to the other model:

I'm not going for an exact replica of the table (let's learn to walk before sprinting!). I started with a CV curve which I duplicated and then lofted

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